All Quarter horse bred  10 year old gelding. We call him a blue roan...
This is a very nice easy to get along with gelding, no vices, no bad habits, good manners. Stands like rock for getting on and off, at 14.3 hands, his size makes him easy to mount and his manners make it easy to mount from anywhere. He comfortable, goes out alone and in groups, does water, rocks and mountains, or hills and dales. Good with traffic, bikes, people, dogs, etc. Sure footed, sweet and friendly. He has a nice walk and side passes, helps with gates, and neckreins as well. Colbalt is good for anyone, rides with a Snaffle or easy curb, just not complicated. Trailers, ties all day, doesn't get impatient and is also use to going to new places to meet up with others and go for a ride in a new group or with old friends.

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