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Horses In Training....

2011 ....


Here at AA Ranch, we provide a well-balanced training schedule for each horse. Each horse is evaluated for it's strengths and weaknesses so we can develop a well rounded horse. A horse that will go down the trail with confidence, navigate an obstacle course with grace and ease, camp over night or compete at the next show or event with success and enjoyment.

Given that we specialize in gaited horses, much of the training is not only in developing a confident work ethic, but is also directed on developing each horse's gaiting abilities unique to the individual. We work on bringing the best out of each horse while developing their strength as well as working carefully on their individual weaknesses.


Gelding in for training and he is also offered for sale

This is a horse that would not stand for mounting or dismounting
on the trail !!
In training to learn tolerance with anything we ask of him.

Working both sides of this horse's brain to handle mounting and dismounting from both sides. To stand still while mounting out on trail or anywhere else.



Working with this gaited horse on backing responsively ...

Step by step...

This is his 3rd time through this obstacle
and asked to complete it in its entirety.


Gait, Transitions, Bending and relaxation in a gaited horse

Big Tennessee Walking Horse gelding. Working on gait, transitions, bending and relaxing etc...


Riding at the flat-walk on the trail with a Missouri Fox Trotter



Gaiting down the trail



Working on the leads for a canter with a racking horse..

This is a palomino mare that has been on training for 3 weeks for gait work

Despooking Clinic


Hope ~ with her patient and knowledgeable tutoring assists students build confidence in themselves and their mounts.


Working on  the cowboy curtain!

Maneuvering through the water box , facing and working through unfamiliar obstacles.


All with the end goal of creating confident and willing rider and horse teams.


Pretty spotted saddle horse in training
- Starting saddle work and basic beginning training.


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AA Ranch, Anza, California 92539. All rights reserved.
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